Monday, November 21, 2011

Event Show old Fashion Lady or Man 11/21/2001

Chloe Panthar

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Judges. My name is Chloe Panthar and I am glad you all could make it tonight. Tonight we take you back in time for you therem.....Old Fashion Lady/Man.
I remember watching Little House on the Prairie and being in awe of the clothing worn by the ladies. They were always dressed in long bustling dress and yet they looked so feminie and lovely.
Le Menagere (English, "The housekeeper") is a practical cotton day gown for the lady of the house and the outfit comes with a white apron that she could add if she wishes to conduct her daily chores in a comfortable but stylish dress -- ideal for housekeeping or market day.
Le Menagere reflects the style of dress adopted by women of the mid- to late- 19th century American West. Shedding cumbersome crinolines (the "hoop skirt") and restrictive bustles for more practical dress lines, women on the frontier had more pressing concerns than wearing the latest fashions.
Additionally, before the invention of sunscreen, pioneer women wore long sleeves and high necklines to protect their skin from the harsh elements. In one of the great double standards of the Victorian era, bare arms and decolletage were only acceptable for "proper" ladies on formal occasions, such as balls -- only ladies of ill repute put their assets on public display at all hours of the day.
I chose Le Menagere by Astolat Dufaux, HW Lace Up Boots from MP; Lois Hair by Donna Flora; my own shape and skin by Lara Harley, my hat is Timmy Hat - Isabelle Classic, Niniko cape cardigam to help keep me warm in the cool eveings..
I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here tonight to support us. I want to thank Anrol and Steve for making these events happen to give us an opportunity to become better stylists and models. Without Anrol. Steve, and the awesome trainers here we would not have any of these chances to learn and grow. Thank you one and all.

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